A majestic crown sitting on a handsome brow. Ornate and gold, each part of it sculpted with a hawk-like eye for precision and perfect symmetry. A lotus bloom at the zenith, and lotus petal engravings on the halo behind. Such a crown befits the head of none other than Lord Krishna, avatar of Lord Vishnu, capturer of hearts, saviour of the truly devoted.
In the murti that you see on this page, He stands upon a high pedestal of two lotuses joined pistil-to-pistil. Characterised by layered petal engravings, as tender and as beauteous as His feet (paadapadma). His signature stance has earned Him the name of the Tribhanga Murari because He is the flute-bearer (‘murari’) whose body juts out (‘bhanga’) at three (‘tri’) different junctures.
Brass Statue
Height: 30 Inches; Width: 10 Inches; Depth: 7 Inches
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